OSCP notes dump: #PIVOT

Photo by 愚木混株 cdd20 / Unsplash

Welcome to this blog post about pivoting! Pivoting is an essential skill that every professional penetration tester should master. It involves using compromised systems as a jumping-off point to access other systems on the network. In other words, it's a technique for moving laterally within a network to reach high-value targets.

Pivoting is particularly useful when you encounter a network with multiple layers of security controls. For example, if you manage to gain access to a low-level system on the network but cannot reach your intended target, you may be able to pivot through intermediate systems to reach your goal.


port forwarding tool rinetd

# 1. Configure rinetd by editing the configuration file /etc/rinetd.conf. The file should contain a list of mappings that redirect traffic from a specific port on the compromised system to another port on a different system on the network. Each mapping should be on a separate line and should have the following format:

bindaddress bindport connectaddress connectport

# 2. For example, the following mapping redirects traffic from port 80 on the compromised system to port 8080 on a different system with IP address 80 8080

# 3. Start rinetd by running the following command:

sudo service rinetd start

ssh local port forwarding

# initiated from the attackers box. listening on and redirects traffic over to
kali@kali:~$ sudo ssh -N -L 

ssh remote port forwarding

# in case inbound SSH traffic is not allowed. 
# initiated from the victims box binding port tcp/2221 on the attackers box and redirecting connections from this port to
student@debian:~$ ssh -N -R kali@

ssh dynmamic port forwarding

# setting up a “socks4 proxy" to avoid creating tunnels for each point to point communication. This allows the communication to multiple hosts/ports.
# when NMAP notice that only "connect scans" are allowed

kali@kali:~$ sudo ssh -N -D student@

kali@kali:~$ cat /etc/proxychains.conf
# add proxy here ...
# meanwile
# defaults set to "tor"socks4 8080

kali@kali:~$ sudo proxychains nmap --top-ports=20 -sT -Pn



# remote port forwarding technique using SSH
C:\Tools\port_redirection_and_tunneling> cmd.exe /c echo y | plink.exe -ssh -l kali -pw ilak -R

# netsh
# In this example, we will use the netsh ( interface ) context to add an IPv4-to-IPv4 ( v4tov4 ) proxy ( portproxy ) listening on ( listenaddress= ), port 4455 ( listenport=4455 ) that will forward to the Windows 2016 Server ( connectaddress= ) on port 445 ( connectport=445 ):
C:\Windows\system32> netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=4455 listenaddress= connectport=445 connectaddress=

# allow inbound traffic
C:\Windows\system32> netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="forward_port_rule" protocol=TCP dir=in localip= localport=4455 action=allow